Saturday, February 03, 2007

Journey to HC toilets 2

HC time again!! The boliaoNJCians ventured to HCJC again for H3 tutorials. Undaunted, we went to their toilets again. Learning from our past experience, and to save our noses, we decided to go to the toilets at HC International School, hoping that the people there knew how to flush the toilets after using it. To our surprise, they DID. BUT we realise one thing, that the International School students were more open-minded that what we have imagined. Here are some of the pictures of the CREATIVE toilets they have right in the middle of their school.

What do you get when couples want to go to toilet together?
HC International School has the answer! The COUPLE toilet:

Haha i guess thats still alright. Lets take a look at the next type of toilet.

What happens when a group of horny HC boys need to 'relieve' themselves?
HC International School has the answer too! The LAN DUCT:

I guess that leaves room for speculation what happens inside.

HAHA alright then, until the next instalment of journey to HC. Enjoy the pics!!
(Pictures have been changed if u are observant enough, these are actually the real ones as we wanted to cover up our reflection previously but we decide to bring out the true nature of these photos)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but de 1st pic's reflection abit obvious as to hu took de pics le ma. haha. xPp