Monday, February 12, 2007

NJC superhero PART 2

HOOT!! BoLiaoNJCians say hellooooo to all the J1s who read our blog. Guess we're pretty famous ehh :D Anyway from the blog title, we can see ITS NJC SUPERHERO TIME again. Nope, they ain't anymore masked heroes we gonna show off here for everyone to guess. The previous contest ended rather (i must say stupidly) "interestingly" with two votes for Mr. Lim Guo Jun from 07A02.

(Disclaimer: we boliaonjcians bear no responsibility for the contest results as WE HAVE NO FREAKIN IDEA WHO THE GUY WAS)

However, we truly believe the boliao spirit in our school and hence, we have another boliao pic to show everyone here.

(Disclaimer: we boliaonjcians bear no responsibility to the pictures displayed and our intentions were just to bring laffs to everyone. Any resemblence of any character featured, living or DEAD, is purely coincidental. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in our blog, we do not make any guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of its contents. )

Haha. Just for Laughs :D
(For those who cant see the difference, LOOK AT WHAT HIS HAND IS DOING)


Anonymous said...

Wan lao, you guys are very 狡猾 (cunning) lei... You manipulated this photo for fun ma... PPl out there now de lei... Who the person in the photo is. Want to have fun, can lah... But not until it hurts someone's reputation. You never blatantly say who the guy is, but you have indirectly agreed that the guy is Guojun, based on unanimous votes. I myself am an ACJian but I didnt expect NJCians to have fun this way :(

Anonymous said...

its a damn mean thing to do.
doesn't it prick your own conscience to actually embarrass people like that.
pray hard that you don't get your retribution one day.
you can play a joke, but don't bring it too far.