Sunday, March 18, 2007

Murder King Strikes

Yes, its the murder king again. He strikes fear in the hearts of the cowardly and the fat. The murder King is out on his spree, looking for his victims, fat girls to be precise. Our BoLiao Squad has gotten footage of him after a tip-off from our kind viewers on our hotline 1900-BRAN DON. He was seen at Marina, and we immediately rush off with our cameras to catch him in action. When we arrived, HE ALREADY HAD HIS DINNER, we didn't manage to obtain evidence of what greusome things he ate, but information gathered told us that he ate a mixture of raw beef and chicken, with lots of EGGS. We could almost inferred WHY he had his dinner there, (NOPE, not because you can improve your chemistry eating there) this is because the greatest incidence of fat girls would always be at buffet steamboat areas.

We are now worried of the increasing influence and power of the Murder King.

(Faces of his victims has been mosiac to protect their identity)

Alright, viewers out there, as you can see, the bane of our society has just taken more victims and we REALLY need your help. When you see the murder king, please dial 1900-BRAN DON(2726 366) to inform the BoLiao Squad. Remember, you can do your part to ensure that our society is a safer place to live in.

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