Saturday, March 24, 2007

Complex Proofing

Alright, the murder king sucks. According to the latest poll done on our blog, popularity of the murder king has declined so sharply, that sadly to say, the boliao squad has MURDERED the murder king to stop him from coming again. Hence, today's post will be doing something that is so close to our hearts, complex numbers and proofing. This is the proof to 1=2.

We're going to prove that 1 and 2 are the same number.

Everyone knows this:

Now we will square root both sides:

Now we break up the roots:

The square root of a negative 1 is i and the square root of 1 is 1. In other words:

Now we multiply the entire thing by 1/2:

Now let's add 3/(2i) to this to make the math easier.

Now we can multiply the entire thing by i:

So now we expand this beast:

We know that the square root of -1 is i, so i^2 must be -1.:

Now we simplify the i's

Let's calculate this thing:

And so

1 = 2 QED.

Effects of 1 = 2

When I have $1 in my bank account, I actually have $2.
When something costs $1, it really costs me $2.
If you have two of a singular monetary denomination, you actually have four of that currency since 1=2 and 2*2 is 4. Or 2, if 2=1.
"2 for 1" sales are the ultimate in deceptive marketing strategies, since you're paying the same price either way. It can be "2 for 2", "1 for 1", or "1 for 2". Or something like that.
Finger counting is fundamentally flawed.

When I order a new tire for my unicycle, I get 2.
Unfortunately, women have 2 mouths, which explain why they talk too much.
The Count from Sesame Street represents the pinnacle of amorality in deception.
1+1 is 2. But 1=2. 1+1 is 4. So 2=4. 1=2=4.
You have one cow.
Winston Churchill was actually a carrot. Because 2 equals 1, Winston Churchill and a carrot, which are two things, are actually one. Thus, Winston Churchill was a carrot. The implications for vegetable rights are astounding.
The world is actually a potato. Because 2 equals 1, the world and a potato, are actually one. Thus, Planet Earth is a potato.
All numbers are 1, as 3=1+2, which is 1+1, which is 2, which is 1, so 3 is 1, and the same can be said for all numbers, so there is only 1 website, with 1 article, with 1 letter, so all life is an illusion. When there is one Earth, there must also be another. Thus true with the universe as a whole. This concludes that you have a clone existing somewhere in the other universe...

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