Sunday, March 25, 2007

every1 loves milo

our sch v rich ar... use milo flush toilet... this video was not doctored in any way. it was filmed at e TC block toilets but it seems they've used back plain water alr cos e milo too dilute. looking for new suppliers.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Complex Proofing

Alright, the murder king sucks. According to the latest poll done on our blog, popularity of the murder king has declined so sharply, that sadly to say, the boliao squad has MURDERED the murder king to stop him from coming again. Hence, today's post will be doing something that is so close to our hearts, complex numbers and proofing. This is the proof to 1=2.

We're going to prove that 1 and 2 are the same number.

Everyone knows this:

Now we will square root both sides:

Now we break up the roots:

The square root of a negative 1 is i and the square root of 1 is 1. In other words:

Now we multiply the entire thing by 1/2:

Now let's add 3/(2i) to this to make the math easier.

Now we can multiply the entire thing by i:

So now we expand this beast:

We know that the square root of -1 is i, so i^2 must be -1.:

Now we simplify the i's

Let's calculate this thing:

And so

1 = 2 QED.

Effects of 1 = 2

When I have $1 in my bank account, I actually have $2.
When something costs $1, it really costs me $2.
If you have two of a singular monetary denomination, you actually have four of that currency since 1=2 and 2*2 is 4. Or 2, if 2=1.
"2 for 1" sales are the ultimate in deceptive marketing strategies, since you're paying the same price either way. It can be "2 for 2", "1 for 1", or "1 for 2". Or something like that.
Finger counting is fundamentally flawed.

When I order a new tire for my unicycle, I get 2.
Unfortunately, women have 2 mouths, which explain why they talk too much.
The Count from Sesame Street represents the pinnacle of amorality in deception.
1+1 is 2. But 1=2. 1+1 is 4. So 2=4. 1=2=4.
You have one cow.
Winston Churchill was actually a carrot. Because 2 equals 1, Winston Churchill and a carrot, which are two things, are actually one. Thus, Winston Churchill was a carrot. The implications for vegetable rights are astounding.
The world is actually a potato. Because 2 equals 1, the world and a potato, are actually one. Thus, Planet Earth is a potato.
All numbers are 1, as 3=1+2, which is 1+1, which is 2, which is 1, so 3 is 1, and the same can be said for all numbers, so there is only 1 website, with 1 article, with 1 letter, so all life is an illusion. When there is one Earth, there must also be another. Thus true with the universe as a whole. This concludes that you have a clone existing somewhere in the other universe...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Oh no! Murder King is here

Its getting worse, the power of the murder king(his results too), the murder king has gained much control over the content of what the bo liao squad is posting. This is my last post, as i shall expose his dirty deeds(not his common test results although they sucks too). The following picture is purely doctored, as it carry totally no truth in it and DO NOT believe what it says. The BO LIAO squad is being controlled. Noooooooooooo!!!

BUT hahahaha, unknown to the murder king, i HAVE put his CONSTIPATED face on the magazine instead of the one needed to boost his sphere of influence. "Thou shalt not lay thy dirty hands on me", as shakespeare would have said if he was living now. The tyranny shall end!! Come on njcians, rise and rebel against the murder king! Call 1900 BRAN-DON today to join us in the fight against the oppression.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Murder King Strikes

Yes, its the murder king again. He strikes fear in the hearts of the cowardly and the fat. The murder King is out on his spree, looking for his victims, fat girls to be precise. Our BoLiao Squad has gotten footage of him after a tip-off from our kind viewers on our hotline 1900-BRAN DON. He was seen at Marina, and we immediately rush off with our cameras to catch him in action. When we arrived, HE ALREADY HAD HIS DINNER, we didn't manage to obtain evidence of what greusome things he ate, but information gathered told us that he ate a mixture of raw beef and chicken, with lots of EGGS. We could almost inferred WHY he had his dinner there, (NOPE, not because you can improve your chemistry eating there) this is because the greatest incidence of fat girls would always be at buffet steamboat areas.

We are now worried of the increasing influence and power of the Murder King.

(Faces of his victims has been mosiac to protect their identity)

Alright, viewers out there, as you can see, the bane of our society has just taken more victims and we REALLY need your help. When you see the murder king, please dial 1900-BRAN DON(2726 366) to inform the BoLiao Squad. Remember, you can do your part to ensure that our society is a safer place to live in.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

NJC Superhero Part 4

YoyoZ, all you boliao people out there, this is the fifth installment of the NJC superhero series. As we scout around NJC for more stupid people doing ridiculous stuff, we naver fail to bring up those who makes a difference in our lives, ensuring that the neighbourhood is safe from crime and evil. Today, we have a complain by the NJC superman, not Mr Eric Tsang, about the lack of facilities in our poor, poor NJC. So people, do donate more for our NJC Road Run donation card.

Here is the feedback from NJ superman.

Well, i guess the invention of the handphones isn't really beneficial to our dear superman. We welcome suggestions to help our superman to change into his super outfit so that he can fight evil bad guys in NJC. (and if you all have been paying attention to our tag board, THIS IS THE MYSTERY LETTER we have been talking about)

Besides the good guys, NJC do have our fair bit of baddies in the school. The BoLiao squad have risked our lives to get the exclusive picture of THE MURDER KING, he kills without blinking, but blinks when he's not killing. You never knows when he's behind you, and when the knife goes down your throat, YOU'RE DEAD! So BEWARE, murder king is on the loose,

He may look stupid, but he's certainly not THAT dumb(remember the chem test?). Recent sightings of the murder king are in the mathematics society room, near overweight girls(;P) and the basketball court. Do look out for him and inform the Boliao Squad when you see him at school by dialling the hotline 1900-BRAN-DON (1900 2726 366). Thanks for your support to help rid the school of evils.

Disclaimer: We do not bear any responsibility of revealing the identities of any overweight girls the murder king is seen with. All calls are charged at 10cents per minute and all callers under 18 please seek parental consent before calling the hotline. Phones using prepaid cards are not entitled to call the hotline.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

"i've climbed the great wall of china!"

hci escapades! w extra help fr non-boliaonjcian but still njcians anw!

unsuspecting njcian caught on camera climbing over hci gate.njcian who knows his picture is gonna b taken & put on boliaonjcian but climbs e gate anw. smile!
boliaonjcian who made his way to e other side of e gate but purposely goes back to pose 4 a picture. "i've climbed the great wall of china!" --mr24
"today ar we also cross e yellow river" --mr24
if u wan to join in our exciting adventures pls call our hotline, 999. two of our finest tour guides, typically dressed in dark blue uniform, will go right up to ur door step to fetch u! u will b travellin in our luxury car under e accompaniment our these 2 tour guides. car even comes w siren which will b activated at our guides' descretion, to avoid any heavy traffic.