Tuesday, January 30, 2007

BoLiao Pranks 1

Bored At Sentosa on a Hot Day?
BoLiaoNJCians offer some suggestions for some fun at the beach:

Put down your towel and stuff right next to some other people (even overlap your towels abit)...if they say anything, just completely ignore them...
...claim that you were there first and that they have no right invading your personal space

(Good swimmers only) Pretend to drown. Once you're brought to shore, hold your breath so that the lifegaurd has to start Artificial Respiration... then kiss them using much tongue (regardless of gender)

Do your best godzilla impression... and destroy every sand-castle you can

Throw waterballoons at the lifegaurd

Throw waterballoons at sunbathers

Go swimming fully clothed [bonus points for wearing formal attire]

Try to apply BBQ sauce and seasoning salt to sunbathers

Buy a dead squid from a seafood store... sneak it into the water, then run out of the water screaming, and holding the squid to your face (pretending that it's attacking you)

Hold a magnifying glass over a sunbather

Open a drink stand... but only sell hot drinks

Use a fire extinguisher on sunbathers

While people are in the water, bury their things in the sand... like their towels, coolers, kids...

In private, cover yourself in vaseline, then run down the beach screaming "I'm melting!" [bonus points for using red food coloring, or even some raw ground beef]

Good Luck!

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