Monday, January 29, 2007

Journey To HC toilets

Well, today some of the BoliaoNJCians step into HCJC across the multiplier bridge.

We arrived at Cheng Yi Block

Since we were having lecture inside we ventured deeper into HCJC.
Normally, the first place you would visit in an unknown territory is the TOILET. Hence, we step into the toilet. Guess what we found? Being intellectual beings with 6 to 7 L1R5s, i guess students in HCJC stil need to be reminded to flush the toilet.

HAHA, i guess sometimes people study too much until they forget certain important things in life. BLEH those HC muggers, even with constant reminders RIGHT IN THEIR FACE when they do their business, this is what we saw:

Well, certainly for us boliaoNJCians, we scurried out the toilet after smelling it. But JUST FOR YOU, our dear viewers, we risked our noses for these disgusting photos.

Well, Happy Mugging to those at HC, AND REMEMBER TO FLUSH THOSE TOILETS!

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