Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Boliao squad in warcraft world

Hello to all the boliao fans out there, the boliao squad has successfully infilitrated the cyber world and planting our cameras there. Today, we see the adventures of our boliao NJ houses, Ignis and Terra exploring the world of DOTA. To all the DOTA fans out there, no heroes were hurt in the making of this post and all photos are not edited to retain their full flavour.

Our heroes (Terra the drawven sniper and Ignis the Doom Bringer).

On their journey to the scourge base, there were many interesting things to see, o there's a burning scourge.

Combining their strength, they defeated the enemy, razing everything in their path. Even the base is burning up.

Conquering the scourge base wasn't enough, being the Boliao Squad, we had to humiliate them. Henceforth, our heroes destroyed their fountain and stood their for a pose, with nice burning effect at their feet.

Feeling bored after destroying the scourge base, we went to find our old friend, Mr. Roshan the rockhead and did a NJ OEI cheer at his house. NJ OEI!!

Mr. Roshan the rockhead wasn't very heppy with all the loud cheering (we think he came from HC), we decided to thrash the hell out of him and NJ CONQUERS ROSHAN.

Hey, R21 here.

Yes, the new NJ roshan.

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