Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Super Mario saga Part Two: The point of no return

In this continuation of the super mario saga,we follow our young hero's quest to defeat the game. Not just any game, mind you, but THE MOST DIFFICULT MARIO MOD EVER!!

Where we left off, our hero has barely made it pass the first half of level one. Now,as we check on him, we can see that he has made a wonderful progress of 0% aka nothing aka zero aka zilch aka JIRO (insider joke). The brave champion is still stuck at where we had left off.

In this part two of the saga,we can see that our hero is beginning to be overcome by the dark forces that reside within the game. The evil starts to influence his thinking,consuming his very essence. Our hero begin to become slightly insane as he starts to question his determination to complete his quest, his sanity,his powers and his little buddy Mario.

Slowly....bit by bit...we see his mind and soul crumbling away...

Even as hope arise in the form of a new level...each task proves more difficult than the one before. Can the people's champion do it? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Or will there be more Mario hell?

All is to be revealed....

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