Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hoot part3!!!!

This post will seriously change the way u view the world.Do not read this if u want to continue living the way ur life is now.For those who wish to be enlightened,scroll down and feast ur eyes upon the truth of the universe.Once again, this post will rock the very foundation n fabric of ur life.

lets begin by stating the two basic facts of life

studying=pass=not failing-----(1)
not studying=failing------(2)

combine (1) and (2)

studying+not studying=not failing + failing
study (ing+not ing)=fail (not ing+ ing)

cancel common factor


therefore,i present to u the undeniable fact of life...
listern to the boss... he has forseen this fact and has come to warn us...STOP STUDYING!!!!!

End of warning

anw...we like to state that the frequency of updates is not determined by us.
Rather it is determined by a complex formula which calculates the product of "boliaoness" and "free time" divide by the "coordinates of our handphones in space-time continuity" and multiply by the root of the sum of "hoots" and "wat cows" before being subtrated by the lowest common multiple of "promos","stress" and "cca".
There u have it..the formula open 4 all to if u can calculate out the exact timing which we are going to update..u can save urself the hassle of frequently checking this blog.
U can also contribute by sending in ideas for us to consider.of cuz, which idea we would use is up to our discretion.
Pls be patient....we will try to update whenever new and random boliao stuff pops up...look forward to after the promos where the full force of THE BOLIAO SQUAD will be unleashed... :)

Monday, August 28, 2006

super funny!!

Hard Gay vs Gurmit singapore idol

haha hooooo!! omg hard gay fans.. enjoy this video man!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


nowsadays gots pple tells me ar math v difficult sia.. so i v helpfuls.. wan helps u all ar.. improve ur maths.. i will upload images help u all hooooo!! hehex.. =P

Hoot returns.

Actually for the previous post, there is a chinese version, so here they are(actually there are 2 of them):

Haha have a nice day more videos will be coming up soon :D

Thursday, August 24, 2006


something interesting i saw on the web....dunno boliao enough or not...but just for entertainment
some basic knowledge of maths required ....

*warning: if u are offended by female jokes...pls close the window now!!!! as in NOW!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! .... ok now i got ur attention*

as time is money,subt time=money into the eqn
as money is the root of all evil,subt money=(evil)^1/2
gurls= evil

thus maths has confirm wat all men has known since the dawn of time..............

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Juz for laffs

(If strange characters appears below, go to View->Encoding ->Unicode)
By request,

A sms reads:

非常无聊的问你一个无聊的问题: “你无聊吗?” 》

Some other cold jokes (prior knowledge of some basic chinese needed to understand these)


答案:酒, 因为 “久仰大名“( 酒养大明 )

2。森林里开 PARTY, 谁吃不到蛋糕?

答案:草, 因为 “草莓(没)蛋糕”

3。 小白和大白是兄弟, 小白长大越来越像他大哥。 请猜一个成语。

答案: “真相(像)大白”

Some english ones in case people says im racist or something:

4. Which brand of shampoo is the wealthiest?

Ans: Lux super Rich Shampoo -.-"

5. Osama, Bush, Blair and Saddam sat down for a mahjong game. Who won first?

Ans: Saddam, because Saddam Hussein (糊先)

Brrr... sure is cold in here...
Sorry for the chinese in the last english joke (im a chinese joker sry)
Have a good laff :D
shooting club


Monday, August 21, 2006

What's that?


Cute Hippo

it must have seen an ugly person like you!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

we're from 06S01!!

jus wanna say this is not done by us deliberately for the purpose of posting on this blog. IT WAS REALLY DONE BY E CLASS. i bet i can find a bunch of u ppl anytime after sch man.. rmb this class, rmb it well.. if they dun top e level can laugh @ them! LOL!
we cun wait 4 exams too! i'm sure...

b4 i forget.. got another mugger class man.. cun stand them la! 06S01... another of those mugger buggers. all DOHC sia!! Damn On & Hiong Class... <--hint on a future n3.. DOHC. rmb this phrase.. muahaha!!

Anw.. U R WASTING PRECIOUS MUGGING TIME WRITING THIS!! do u know how much of TYS u can tank w this few seconds/minutes used to write this thingy?! u call urselves muggers? pls go home train 1st =P u know which class we from not?!

Friday, August 18, 2006

boliao squad

boliao squad(or part of it at least) in action! lemme introduce... from left in clockwise order are... a tin of biscuits, watermelon alpha, honeydew alpha, watermelon beta, honey dew beta & last but not least a packet of mentos. cannot seem to find e boliao squad ppl...

boliao njcian goes beyond njc! pic below happened in public... bedok mrt where they put camera on e ledge & pose w their barang barang.. too bad @ night so not many ppl could see & bathe themselves in e boliao mood... hehe =P change of layout! now v chio liaoz sia! nth much boliao here jus let u know whos in e squad =P

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


post-njcg syndrome... damn i wish we had won at least the mousepad.. half an hr.. 1green marker & 1red marker.. 1whiteboard.. a highly entertaining masterpiece..


what do u get when u have a bored guy, many bugger classmates looking on, a chair and a small slope to play with before econs tutorial? if u cannot watch this video, do sth abt it! i'm sure u dun wanna miss out on all this fun we're having! download quicktime player now!

Friday, August 11, 2006


Welcome to
This blog is dedicated to all the boliao ppl of NJC.
I can see you all mugging in the library & oasis.
Come and join us as we explore our inner minds and we can develop our full potential in boliaoness.
In this blog, we will be showing you boliao videos and pictures that we, The BoLiao Squad, have taken footage of. Note tt they're not 4 e faint hearted.
Email us suggestions, feedback and any constructive criticism at and if you wish to join us to act in our boliao videos, feel free to contact us via the email.